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  • Project manager for phases 1 and 2 of the Nolans pilot project for the recovery of rare earth oxides and phosphoric acid  by leaching and solvent extraction, and acid baking

  • Project manager and process design for the Nolans pilot project rare earth oxides  purification by thorium and iron removal  and uranium recovery

  • Development of carbon emissions reporting systems

  • Review of Crocker well uranium project documentation

  • Project manager for Scoping study for sub sea manganese mining and processing for Groote Resources

  • Project manager for options study for processing of refractory gold ores for Newcrest Lihir mine.

  • Project manager for study for sub sea manganese mining and processing for AMCI

  • Project manager for manganese processing options study for Consolidated Minerals.

  • Project manager for sampling of the tailings facility at Leinster nickel mine for Jubilee.

  • Estimate capital and operating costs for the Guinea Bauxite alumina project for Trafigura

  • Project manager for concept study for processing of low grade stockpile refractory ore for Newcrest’s Lihir mine using POX, roasting, Albion and Biox processes.

  • Project manager for Scoping study for Northern Minerals rare earth beneficiation and chemical treatment facility

  • Project manager for process development test work for TUC rare earth deposit

  • Project manager for scoping study for gold processing options for Clifton Star.

  • Project manager for development of processing options for Peak Resources’ rare earth project in Tanzania

  • Project manager for updating SS for Marampa  Iron Ore project

  • Project Manager for Kogi Agbaja Iron Ore test work supervision

  • BOOT U$200m oil refinery for Sonatrach in Algeria in partnership with an engineering and investment company, included making a technical and financing package proposal;

  • Scoping study for a 2,6 mtpa greenfields alumina project in Guinea Bissau, including review of capital and operating costs

  • Pre-Feasibility study (PFS) for a U$65m offshore development off the Niger Delta including an audit of resource titles, analysis of commercially available technology, negotiation of partnership and operating agreements, and report to credit committee

  • PFS on an onshore gas fired power station development of U$20m in Tanzania entailing re-entry of a well, production facilities and the construction of a gas pipeline and power plant led to a DFS and negotiation of an equity stake and financing proposal;

  • PFS study into an onshore development in Gabon of U$70m including re-entry of a well, production facilities and the construction of an off shore oil pipeline led to the negotiation of an option to take up an equity stake and option to provide a financing package;

  • Successfully identified oil and gas opportunities in West Africa. Managed a team from investors and banks, producing a bankable feasibility study that led to the purchase of an equity stake and the provision of loans and project finance for a U$35m marginal oilfield development. This included a legal audit of title to resource, negotiation of operating and partnership contracts, obtaining political risk insurance, development of term sheets and set up of a subsidiary company in Nigeria

  • Performed a pre-feasibility study for a project offshore Nigeria to bring a 20m bbl oilfield into operation by drilling of two wells and utilising FPSO technology

  • Achieved the purchasing of an equity stake and financing of a U$5m high-pressure aluminium die-casting project for supply to the motor industry;

  • Led a feasibility study team that obtained technology and designed and costed process changes to convert an existing Sasol commercial acrylic fibre facility into a carbon fibre pre-cursor production facility;

  • Obtained access to technology and magnesia resources and led a team that compared economics of available electrolytic and thermal magnesium production technologies. Produced a bankable feasibility study and process engineering developments, including process modelling using Metsim, for innovative energy efficient process flow sheets for a U$600m primary magnesium metal production facility.

  • Conducted a study evaluating the economic viability of producing methanol on a large scale from natural gas

  • Successfully concluded feasibility and engineering studies for the conversion of a demonstration solvent extraction plant and shaft kiln to commercially produce purified phosphoric acid and tabular alumina.

  •  Conducted pre-feasibility and engineering studies on a U$12m precipitated calcium carbonate production facility

  • Managed a pre-feasibility study for a U$25m ferro-silicon production facility that included silica reserves exploration, an environmental impact study on unique flora, and the sourcing of technology and partners



  • Lead process engineer for the basic and detailed engineering of the Muliashi 60 000 tpa copper heap leach project  in Zambia

  • Review of lime systems and seawater cooling for Nolans BFS

  • Development of water distribution model for Olympic dam electric furnace

  • Development of lime slaking system for Mt Gordon copper

  • Assisted with High Pressure Grinding Roll test work for the MAK project

  • Literature review of pipe reactors for high pressure leaching for uranium recovery

  • Review of rare earth PFS for Greenland Minerals and Energy

  • Evaluation of roasting options for treating refractory gold ore  for Wafi Mining Limited

  • Lead process engineer for the development of a demonstration facility for the Arafura Resources rare earth project.

  • Development of an energy options study for Toro Energy’s Wiluna uranium project feasibility study

  • Lead process engineer for scoping studies for two uranium projects for U3O8

  • Development of a location study for a rare earth processing facility for Northern Minerals.

  • Lead process for a scoping study for Potash West for the production of potash, magnesium sulphate, phosphate and iron oxide.

  • Energy studies for a N-Chlor gold/copper process plant for Nippon-JX.

  • Development of a flowsheet for pyrolysis of pyrites for gold recovery.

  • Lead process engineer for PFS, DFS and FEED for a nickel bioleach facility for Mondo Minerals

  • Preparation of process documentation for the Toka Tindung gold project in Indonesia including mass and water balances, flow sheets, process design criteria, process descriptions, control philosophy and equipment lists.

  • Completion of complete pre-feasibility study for a gold heap leach project for low grade ore of the Lord Nelson deposit for Troy Resources Limited including management of metallurgical test work, basic process design, development of cost estimates and preparation of financial model and feasibility report.

  • Process evaluation of plant changes required for the doubling of throughput at lower grades of the Mina Sertấo gold mine processing facility in Brazil for Troy Resources Limited.

  • Development of a heap leach test procedure for the Mina Sertấo gold ore.

  • Developing treatment options for a thiosulphate effluent stream from processing a sulphide gold ore at the Mina Sertấo gold mine processing facility in Brazil for Troy Resources Limited.

  • Management of metallurgical test work and development of process flowsheets and an implementation strategy for the recovery of gold from a complex sulphide ore for the Antena Sul deposit owned by Troy Resources Limited.

  • Preparation of process documentation for the Guinor Gold project in Guinea including mass and water balances, flow sheets, process design criteria, process descriptions and equipment lists as well as preparation of tender documentation and the sizing and sourcing of equipment such as C inter-stage screens, electrowinning cells, and ball mills.

  • Monthly metallurgical accounting and production reports for Mines & Resources Australia’s Frogs Leg / Higginsville operation.

  • Evaluation of a complex sulphide gold ore and analysis and selection of technology to process the Maud Creek deposit including gravity gold recovery, concentrate recovery, pressure oxidation, ultra fine grinding, biological oxidation, and Activox.

  • Preparation of section of due diligence report for purchase bid summarising metallurgical and technical reports for the Red October deposit.

  • Preparation of report summarising metallurgical and technical reports for the Bronzewing Mill study for View Resources.

  • Process manager and later the project manager on the development of a new process technology to recover alumina, magnesia and potash., including the design and construction of a $25m demonstration plant for the three owners IDC, Billiton and Foskor.


CONSULTANCY focussing on project management and commercial aspects of large project developments

  • Development of a combined Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility study report for BHP Billiton for the Cossack Pioneer FPSO refurbishment project.

  • Development of corporate documentation for the approval of funds for Perseus 1C drilling and topsides project on the North Rankin A platform for BHP Billiton.

  • Tollgate coordinator for BHP Billiton for the approval of the $2,1b North Rankin B compression platform development including preparation of information for peer review team, cost and schedule analysis, risk assessment, the development of a comprehensive pre-feasibility study report and the co-ordination of activities and reports for the approval of BHP share of funding.

  • Assisted in the capital cost review of the Iluka North Murray basin mineral sands project.

  • Development of processes and procedures for the successful ISO9001 certification of the TTR Perth office

  • Cost and schedule review of brown fields compression gas lift project on the Cossack Pioneer FPSO for Woodside Energy Ltd

  • Tollgate coordinator for BHP Billiton for the approval of the $1,4b Western Flank gas and condensate sub-sea development including a risk assessment and the development of a comprehensive concept study report.

  • Cost and schedule review of Perseus-over-Goodwyn sub-sea development project for Woodside Energy Ltd

  • Managed the tendering process for well engineering including drafting invitation to tender documents, adjudication and placing of contract and an expression of interest for a FPSO for the Galoc oil field development in the Philippines.

  • Updated a report for the Australian Steel Institute on the competitiveness of steel fabrication in Australia for local Oil & Gas projects.

  • Tollgate coordinator for BHP Billiton for the approval of funds for the $1,4b Angel gas and condensate development including preparation of information for peer review team, assistance with risk assessment and the write up of a comprehensive feasibility study report.

  • Conducted audit and risk analysis on capital and operating cost estimates of greenfields Eucla Basin heavy minerals sands project for Iluka Resources.

  • Review of EPCM contractual documentation for Paladin Resources greenfields Uranium Project in Namibia

  • Conducted audit and risk analysis on detailed feasibility study capital cost estimate of greenfields Iluka Murray Basin heavy minerals sands project.

  • Conducted audit and risk analysis on capital cost estimate and implementation plan for expansion to Alcoa Pinjarra alumina refinery expansion project.

  • Provided funding packages for over 100 greenfield and brown field manufacturing and resource projects as the leader, technical, marketing or financial member of a financing team. 

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