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Experience in Gold

  • Evaluation of roasting options for treating refractory gold ore  for Wafi Mining Limited

  • Project manager for options study for processing of refractory gold ores for Newcrest Lihir mine.

  • Project manager for concept study for processing of low grade stockpile refractory ore for Newcrest’s Lihir mine using POX, roasting, Albion and Biox processes.

  • Project manager for scoping study for gold processing options for Clifton Star.


  • Feasibility and technical studies on gold projects in Brazil, Australia, Indonesia and Guinea including :

    ·     Preparation of process documentation for the Toka Tindung gold project in Indonesia including mass and water balances, flow sheets, process design criteria, process descriptions, control philosophy and equipment lists.

    ·     Completion of complete pre-feasibility study for a gold heap leach project for low grade ore of the Lord Nelson deposit for Troy Resources Limited including management of metallurgical test work, basic process design, development of cost estimates and preparation of financial model and feasibility report.

    ·     Process evaluation of plant changes required for the doubling of throughput at lower grades of the Mina Sertấo gold mine processing facility in Brazil for Troy Resources Limited.

    ·     Development of a heap leach test procedure for the Mina Sertấo gold ore.

    ·     Developing treatment options for a thiosulphate effluent stream from processing a sulphide gold ore at the Mina Sertấo gold mine processing facility in Brazil for Troy Resources Limited.

    ·     Management of metallurgical test work and development of process flowsheets and an implementation strategy for the recovery of gold from a complex sulphide ore for the Antena Sul deposit owned by Troy Resources Limited.

    ·     Preparation of process documentation for the Guinor Gold project in Guinea including mass and water balances, flow sheets, process design criteria, process descriptions and equipment lists as well as preparation of tender documentation and the sizing and sourcing of equipment such as C inter-stage screens, electrowinning cells, and ball mills.

    ·     Monthly metallurgical accounting and production reports for Mines & Resources Australia’s Frogs Leg / Higginsville operation.

    ·     Evaluation of a complex sulphide gold ore and analysis and selection of technology to process the Maud Creek deposit including gravity gold recovery, concentrate recovery, pressure oxidation, ultra fine grinding, biological oxidation, and Activox.

    ·     Preparation of section of due diligence report for purchase bid summarising metallurgical and technical reports for the Red October deposit.

    Preparation of report summarising metallurgical and technical reports for the Bronzewing Mill study for View Resources

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